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Lion Libra Kenya Ltd is a young Kenyan company registered under Cap486 of the Companies Act and is uniquely positioned to engage at levels that would otherwise require a well-seasoned corporate entity of long-standing global network and resources to undertake.

01. Parterships

Lion Libra team enjoys a strong and stable partnership with Welcome Green Holding, Green Global Funding, Euro-Club Services and their subsidiaries all over the world.

Together we are part of a good and extended companies network ready to secure every major challenge any business / project might face.


Lion Libra shares interests in diverse sectors such as agriculture, technology, infrastructure, transportation, destination linear design residential real estate development, investments, multi-sectorial funding, sustainable energy, med-tech, trading, among other interests in various countries around the world.

03. strategic positioning

Lion Libra was formed as a deliberate strategic positioning by the associated companies to counter the projected global adverse impact on the doing-business environment envisaged in the wake of the unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic.

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